ADC DeutschlandSilberAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Acitvation> Advertising > Mobile/Online Media > Plattform
ADC DeutschlandBronzeAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Digital Experience> Web 2.0 > Gaming > Browser Game
ADC DeutschlandShortlistStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Design> Graphic Design > Print Media > Plakat (Werbung, Veranstaltung, Kunst, Kultur, …)
ADC DeutschlandShortlistAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Audio> Audio Design > Audio Design > for Digital Experience
ADC DeutschlandBronzeStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Imagery > Photography > Photography for > Brand an Product Presentation
ADC DeutschlandBronzeAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Brand Building> Brand Dialog > B2C > Content Marketing
ADC DeutschlandBronzeDeutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e.V. (DLRG)DLRG "Fürs Leben lernen" / "Lesson for Life"Audio>Radio / Online > Radio/Online Media > Radiospot (Serie)
ADC DeutschlandBronzeDeutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e.V. (DLRG)DLRG "Fürs Leben lernen" / "Lesson for Life"Audio> Audio Craft > Audio Craft > Audio Engineering
ADC DeutschlandBronzeStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Brand Building> Brand Communication > Out-of-Home/Ambient Media > Digital Out-of-Home
ADC DeutschlandBronzeStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Acitvation>Advertising > Print Media > Anzeige (Serie)
ADC DeutschlandGold/GewinnerAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Digital Experience> Web 3 / Immersive > Immersive Web > Immersive Web Experience
ADC DeutschlandBronzeStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Acitvation> Advertising > Print Media > Plakat (Serie)
ADC DeutschlandShortlistAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Brand Building> Brand Communication > Mobile/Online Media > Plattform
Clio HealthcareGold/GewinnerAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Branded Entertainment & Content (Lifestyle, Wellness & Over-the-Counter)-Games
Clio HealthcareBronzeAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Experience / Activation (Lifestyle, Wellness & Over-the-Counter)-Games
Clio HealthcareBronzeAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Direct (Lifestyle, Wellness & Over-the-Counter)-Games
Clio HealthcareBronzeAudibene"Hear the way you want."Film (Lifestyle, Wellness & Over-the-Counter)-31 Seconds to 60 Seconds
D&AD Global AwardsShortlistAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Radio & Audio - Innovation
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsShortlistStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Health & Wellness: Health Awareness & Advocacy: PRINT TECHNIQUE | CRAFT - Photography
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsShortlistAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Health & Wellness: (OTC) Medicine, Nutraceuticals, and Applications: DIGITAL/MOBILE - Games
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsShortlistStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Integrated (Health Awareness & Advocacy)-Integrated
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsShortlistAudibene"Hear the way you want."Health & Wellness: Lifestyle & Personal Technology: FILM TECHNIQUE | CRAFT - Scripts
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsShortlistAudibene"Hear the way you want."Health & Wellness: Lifestyle & Personal Technology: FILM - Commercials
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsBronzeStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Out of Home (Health Awareness & Advocacy)-Billboard
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsShortlistStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Health & Wellness: Health Awareness & Advocacy: OUT OF HOME - Poster
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsBronzeStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Design (Health Awareness & Advocacy)-Posters
New York-Festivals - Health AwardsShortlistStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Health & Wellness: Health Awareness & Advocacy: OUT OF HOME - Billboard
One Show AwardsShortlistStiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (German Depression Aid Foundation)"At second glance."Print & Promotional - Magazine - Series
One Show AwardsShortlistAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Gaming - Use of Gaming as a Tool
One Show AwardsShortlistAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Health & Wellness - Radio & Audio
One Show AwardsShortlistDeutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e.V. (DLRG)"Lesson for Life"Radio & Audio-First - Radio & Audio for Good
One Show AwardsShortlistAudibene /Hear.com"Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."Interactive, Online & Mobile - Gaming - Online